YouWho Cares Q1 Quarter of Care Recap: Yoga & NLP

By Published On: April 22, 2021

YouWho Cares is the philanthropic branch of our business where we work alongside local nonprofits donating our time to various topics of interest as well as offering pro-bono services to our clients and local community.

YouWho Cares NLP Yoga To kick off 2021, YouWho Digital offered an Early Spring Yoga Sesh with Wellness Coach Shayn Stavens. At YouWho we strongly believe that maintaining one’s mental and physical health is imperative to being a success entrepreneur in today’s world.

As a business owner you are oftentimes the end of the line taking the brunt of all of the issues that come up on the day to day. In order to be an effective leader that your staff looks up to, it’s important to take care of your own mental and physical health. Achieving balance in your own mind, body and spirit can lead to greater success in your business.

On March 14th we offered an infused yoga class and introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to our clients as a way to give back in the first quarter. Wellness Coach Shayn Stavens offered a 15-minute introduction to NLP, which is a physiological approach that analyzes the thought patterns, communication styles, and strategies successful individuals use and apply them to oneself to help reach personal goals. Jarrod provided insight into the importance of a positive mindset and the neuroscience behind YouWho Cares NLP Yoga how your brain is affected by positive thinking.

Our discussion on NLP was followed by an infused-yoga class led by Lucy. The yoga class was a bhakti/vinyasa flow that was accessible to all of our clients skillsets offering them easy stretching exercises that they can perform while working or after work. It is our hope that the education and tools provided in this class will be utilized by our clients in the future to help maintain balance and optimal wellness in their own mind and body.

If you are interested in learning more about the importance of mental health for entrepreneurs check out our blog post featuring Shayn Stavens. YouWho Digital also offers tailored workshops and retreats to meet your company’s needs.

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