Youwho Cares
Youwho Cares launched in October 2019 as the philanthropic aspect of our business. Jarrod and Lucy have always held a commitment to helping others in need and offering resources to those less fortunate than themselves.
They both have worked alongside non-profits in the past donating their time to various organizations from food kitchens to organizing holiday food drives and local events. Youwho is also passionate about being good steward’s of the environment ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.

Youwho Cares is a direct commitment to offering assistance to local communities in the Denver Metro area whether it’s through a food drive, volunteering time at a farm or shelter, or offering pro-bono services; we are here to help.
Every quarter Youwho will select a new project or organization to support in their efforts. For our first giveback program Youwho Brand worked alongside non-profit, The Cannabis Certification Council and the Denver Public Health & Environment (DPHE) Cannabis Sustainability Working Group volunteering time at Delaney Farms in Aurora, CO.
Delaney Farms is a partnership between Denver Urban Gardens (DUG) and Project Worthmore (PWM). Delaney Farms commits to supporting refugees through sustainable agriculture and community building. We had the opportunity to work alongside five refugees preparing the fields for winter.

There were over fifteen participants who donated their morning to removing old corn stalks from the field, harvesting zucchini, beets, kale, and chard, as well as pulling lots of old weeds! We had a great time working in the field with some of our colleagues, learning more about them while also putting in some good ol’ fashioned hard work.

At the end of our session we cleared out three different field sections which helped the farmers get ready for winter. The farmers were also nice enough to let us take home some of the fruits of our labor. It was the first time we tried leek and potato soup and let me tell you how satisfying it was to know we harvested those vegetables ourselves!
Moving into the holiday season Youwho Brand is looking to team up with another non-profit to offer our time and resources to. If your organization would like to get involved with Youwho Cares contact us at
“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill